Inhoud |
Don't Lose Him.Don't lose the man who chose you over that girl wearing sexy dress and has a beautiful make up on her face. See? He chose you even if you are wearing just a stinky shirt and ripped jeans, and still choosing you after he sees your morning face with morning glory on it. Don't lose the man who did everything to make you notice him. He suddenly gained strength for his Basketball Tournament or for his meeting with his Boss because you finally notice him, his mind flies away with every jokes his friends were saying because of thinking what he'll do to keep you noticing him. Don't lose the man who buys you a bouquet of rose on your first date. Maybe, that's his last allowance from his Mom or his last money from his payout. Just for you to feel special, he skip his meal to buy you the simplest things in your eyes. Don't lose the man who understands that aside from him, there is another man who shows you the same thing. He never lose his hopes that one day, both of you will be together. Don't lose the man who keeps the simple things you told him, and buys you the food or the things you wanted. It's not the price that matters, but the value behind it and the struggle he faced to get it. Don't lose the man who notices the pimples on your face, the sweat you get from running in circles, the hair that your hairstylist cut yesterday, or even the lightest make up you put on your face. It's the little things that makes his heart beats like the metal music he's listening. Don't lose the man who understands your mood swings and your perspective. He tries to understand your change of mood, even your simple "Okay.".Don't lose the man who makes you feel loved throughout the years that you've been together. Who stays true and honest with you since day one. Who made you believe in him and Him. Who never thinks of leaving you when you ask him to leave you. Who asks you of your day. Who tells you he loves you in every way. Who cares how you lay. Don't lose the man who wants to be with you forever and ever, even if believing in forever is still on the process of believing in it. But the most important thing, Don't lose the man who's afraid to lose you either. |
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Melden🌸 K-Drama 🌸 |
🌸 So I've started with watching K-Drama and I saw 'Boys over Flowers' and it's TRULY AMAZEBALLS, like daaaamnnnn! 🌸 Link naar alle episodes 🌸 |