Pokemon XY News! |
![]() Hello there Pokemon fans! If you wasn't already aware, there is new generation of Pokemon coming soon to us on the Nintendo 3DS, October 2013. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. The release of this new Pokemon game is going to be World Wide. That's right fans, no waiting months for the game to be released to the USA and Europe months after the Japan release. The new game set's place within the Kalos reign which will host the new generation of Pokemon, bringing us to to a grand total of over 700 Pokemon and still counting. Due to the 3DS features, Nintendo has taken full advantage of the opportunity within this newest addition to the Pokemon series and has incorporated all of the game itself, and has transformed the 2D platform game, into a 3D wonderland. ------------------------ Information and report brought by Shadowjess and Draizor007 Thank you Claire! Pokemon and old friends.
As we expect, with a new series of Pokemon games, comes along a new generation of Pokemon. With 5 months remaining to the release date, Nintendo are yet to release to the public a full Pokedex, however they have released images of some of the newer Pokemon within this gen, as well as older ones which will be featured. Such as the Eeveelutions to go with the release of their new sibling Slyveon. There has been rumors going around possibly about a new element type however much has speculation about this rumor and believe that it may be either a flying or another normal type to join the group; But only time will tell. Three new starters, Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie as well as an appearance of an old friend, Mewtwo, however this time, it's back in a new fashion. It is revealed within the newest Pokemon Film:'Extremespeed Genecect: Mewtwo awakens' that this is a new form that Mewtwo will be taking on, however the way to evolve Mewtwo within game is still unknown. Use of the 3D As expected from Nintendo, they use the 3D feature of the games quite well when it comes to turning the Pokemon world into a 3D adventure. Traveling around the reign will be like we've never seen before, but maybe as we imagined. With the pre-release screenshots of the game such as the one below, we are able to clearly see the town in the background as we run towards them as well as the defined grass areas to look for new Pokemon as well as any up-coming trainers. ![]() It has also been looked into that this new game will be based within Europe. Look closely at this screenshot at the background and tell me what you notice. ![]() If you've guessed it right, then we are looking at what is possibly a replication of the Eiffel Tower within the Pokemon games. This is one of the reasons that people have been concluding that the game will be set within Europe. What do you think of the look of the game so far? Because we aren't over yet. New in-game Features! For once in the Pokemon game History, we are able to customize our trainers. Not only will we have the male/female options, but we will now be able to change skin colour and hair colour. However it isn't confirmed yet if we are able to change them as separate things, or they come as a pack. We are also able to now change our trainers outfits. ![]() Ride-able Pokemon! Ever got bored of cycling around on your bikes? Well, along with the addition of skates, they have also brought in the ability to ride certain Pokemon. With the addition of the first Ride-able Pokemon 'Gogoat', traveling will never be the same. Is there any Pokemon from the older generations you would love to be able to ride? ![]() With a lot more extras that have been added into the game, such as a new Poke-dex layout showing off the 3D-ness of the Pokemon, to even the different theories behind the legendary Pokemon to explain their unusual shapes that represent the X and Y, all of this will have to turn up next time on: Pokemon XY News! ![]() |