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when love hurts025-10-2013 14:05
Broke up sms024-10-2013 19:35
Heart touching love poems024-10-2013 19:03
sadness quotes023-10-2013 19:10
i miss you quotes023-10-2013 19:05
quotes about trust and lies022-10-2013 20:18
quotes about broken heart.022-10-2013 19:58
quotes about love022-10-2013 19:58
quotes girls022-10-2013 14:26
Zinnetjes022-10-2013 13:44

 Meldenquotes about broken heart.
Top 12 SIGNS it's time to MOVE ON from a RELATIONSHIP

  1. When you live in past memories more than the present
  2. when the relationship brings you more pain than joy
  3. when he/she expects you to change
  4. when you stay on, expecting he/she will change
  5. when you keep justifying his/her actions
  6. when he/she is causing you emotional/physical/verbal hurt
  7. when the same situations/issue recurs even though you tried addressing it
  8. when he/she puts little to no effort in the relationship
  9. when your fundamental values and beliefs are different
  10. when the relationship holds you back, hence preventing both of you from growing as individuals
  11. when you stay on expecting things to get better
  12. when neither of you feel the same way about each other.

Sometimes you just have to erase the messages,
Delete the numbers and move on.
You don't have to forget who that person was to you;
Only accept that they aren't that person anymore

Don't HOLD ON because you think there will be no one else,
There will ALWAYS be someone else.
You've got to BELIEVE you are WORTH more
Than being repeatedly hurt by someone who doesn't REALLY CARE...
And BELIEVE that someone will see
What you are REALLY WORTH
And treath you the way you SHOULD BE treated.

There's a difference between goodbye and letting go.
Goodbye is "I'll see you again when I'm ready to hold your hand,
& when you're ready to hold mine."
Letting go is "I'll miss your hand.
I realized it's not mine to hold,
And I will never hold it again..."

One day you'll love me,
The way I loved you.
One day you'll think of me,
The way I thought of you.
One day you'll cry for me,
The way I cried for you.
One day you'll want me,
The way I wanted you.
One day you do wanna be there for me,
But then I'm gone.

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