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when love hurts025-10-2013 14:05
Broke up sms024-10-2013 19:35
Heart touching love poems024-10-2013 19:03
sadness quotes023-10-2013 19:10
i miss you quotes023-10-2013 19:05
quotes about trust and lies022-10-2013 20:18
quotes about broken heart.022-10-2013 19:58
quotes about love022-10-2013 19:58
quotes girls022-10-2013 14:26
Zinnetjes022-10-2013 13:44

 Meldenquotes about trust and lies
Never lie to someone who trusts you
And never trust someone who lies to you

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter: 
"Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river." The little girl said:
"No, Dad. You hold my hand." 
"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father. 

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl. 
"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go." 

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours...

people ask me why it's so hard to trust people,
and i ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise

You see THAT girl, yeah her. 
She seems so invincible right. 
but just touch her & she'll flinch.
She has secrets & she trusts no one.
she's the perfect example of betrayal. 
cause everyone she trusted, broke her

She Has Secrets You'll Never Know Or Understand,
She Appears So Strong On The Outside,
But On The Inside Her World Is Spinnin Upside Down.
Shes Smiling And Standing Tall 2 The Outta World,
Shes Crying And Breaking Down In Her Inner World.

She Appears So Happy 2 Her Mates,
But Alone, She Shares Her Tears With Her Pillow.
She Knows Not 2 Get Her Hopes Up,
As They Always Come Crashing Down.
Shes Heard It All Before & Felt It All.
Shes Experienced More Then Her Fair Share.
1 Touch, & She'll Flinch
1 Harsh, Word & She'll Cry
1 Bad Moment, & She'll Break Down

She Trusts No1, Because The People She Has, Hurt Her & Leave Her 2 Pick Up The Pieces
She Believes No1, Because The People She Has, Lie & Betray Her.
So For Now She'll Keep 2 Herself & Pretend Everything Is Fine, When Everything Is Wrong

I Know This Girl, Because This Girl...
Is Me.

Im starting to become confused
About whats going on inside
Im not sure what to believe
Is it truth or is it lies
I feel like you don't trust me
You never tell me a thing
It hurts so much inside
I don't think i can win
What makes me upset
Is you don't see the pain in my heart
Just because you don't trust me
I'm starting to fall apart

Secrets, secrets
Lies, lies
She sits in her room,
cries and cries.
There's no more trust
In this girl's heart.
She finally found out
That life isn't perfect.
She lived in her dreams
As some often do
But she crawled out
Into the world everyone knew
Things that once were
Happiness once known;
The truth of it all
To her was shown
Her tortured heart
Will never trust again.
She'll never know
A real true friend.
No more trust,
For no more lies.
She'll sit in her room
And cry and cry.

I don't have many friends.
Alot of people that I talk to, that I say hello to.
But I don't cosider any of them friends.
Friends implies that you know something about that person, that you trust that person.
But time and time again, you find out that even though you may think this, there will always be that one that will make you regret it.
Because though your enemies may be able to maim you, you can only be betrayed by someone you trusted, right?
And when you've been fooled into thinking otherwise for as many times as I have, you start to let it affect you.
You start to question everything and everyone, until you no longer know who you can trust.
And then, in one last resort to keep your heart, your soul, from breaking from the so many knives thats been put through it, when you lose all faith and the good of humanity, and that the world is all evil
You become what I have. A lost and bitter soul, longing for someone to prove you wrong

I know how it feels......
To have a hole in my heart
To lay awake thinking there's nothing left
To laugh when I wanta cry
To feel empty inside
But now thanks to you.....
I know how it feels...
To have a unbroken heart
To be loved
To laugh so hard I cry
To lay awake cause life is better than any dream

I cried and yelled my hardest screamed NO,
And I tried to fight,
But he just wouldn’t let go,
He done it so we were out of sight,
I just hate it knowing he could,
He filled my soul,
And took the rest of my childhood,
He filled it with fear, hate, dirtiness and sorrow,
He took so many things away,
Trust, happiness things I need everyday,
I even started not to feel,
So that no longer would I have to deal,
With this terrifying thing he put me through,
I wish he had beat me black and blue,
But he didn’t so that no one knew,
He left me so mixed up with pain that runs deep,
But with my tears the pain will seep,
Even if im not crying,
Inside my heart is still dying,
Because never do I forget not for a minute of the day,
I hate him so much for making me this way

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