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ORPG < Virtual Popstar Pagina: | Volgende | Laatste
ORPG. ft @iresxje
Internationale ster

HoiHoi, wij gebruiken deze site even puur en alleen om weer eens een ORPG te maken. Don’t mind us, haha.

Storyline: Both our characters are currently in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. It is the end of the world. People carry a deadly virus which turns them into the Undead after they died. Most people died which means most people are Undead. The Undead hunt the people that are still alive, because of this the world has fallen apart and only a few people are left alive. Like most alive people, Emilee and Parker are put into challenge every day, fighting for their lives, wishing to make it till the next morning. 

- Seksueel getinte onderwerpen
-Schokkende onderwerpen zoals zombies, marteling, schelden, moord en de dood.

Naam: Parker 
Age: 21 

Current location: Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Name: Emilee 
Age: 19
Internationale ster

Parker, 21

When I was younger I didn’t expect the end of the world to be like this. But then again, I didn’t think I’d be homeless, an orphan and looking for food to survive either. At least I have a friend with me, Noah. I met him along the way when he almost starved to death. I gave him the last bits of food I had with me, and ever since he’s traveling along my side. He’s a good guy and I wish I met him earlier in life. 
Noah and I travel everyday, from sunrise to sunset. We want to travel all the way to North Carolina, the beach. Rumors go that people built a Safe Heaven near the beach, and we’re gonna take a look. We’ve lost all hope that it’d actually be true, but it’s not like we have anything better to do with our time. 

“Sun is almost setting,” Noah says. I nod as an answer. I’m not a man of words, Noah knows and he’s fine with that. Noah talks a lot, which is comfortable since it breaks the always lingering silence. Sometimes I’d like him to shut up, tho. 
“We could take a look in one of those skyscrapers over there,” he says and points to a row of skyscrapers about two miles away. 
“Big chance those are filled to the top with the Undead,” I say quiet, “And I’m not sharing my bed with one of Those.” 
Noah grins. “We could try,” he suggests. I shrug and grab my backpack and my gun. 
“Sure,” I answer. “But if I end up Undead before the sunrises again, it’s so your fault.”

Emilee, 19

All my life I lived in Ashland City, a small city next to Nashville in Tennessee. When the end of the world came came to the worlds attention me and my family moved to Nashville. A virus spread among the people and when you got the virus you became one of the Undead. In Nashville me and my family survived because we were hiding in a supermarket. When we went out to explore I lost my family, my mom and dad became Undead and my brother took all the food and fled. 

I'm now going through the stuff of different apartments in the city. I stuff my backpack full of the food I find and waterbottles, this has to be enough to hide for another few days. I put my bag on my back, stick my handgun back in my belt and pick up my P-90 from the table. The Undead make almost no noise at all, the only way you can notice them is by hearing them walk or crawl. I silently open the door and look into the hallway, no Undead in sight. My P-90 is fully loaded and I make my way thorugh the hall. If I ever lose my guns I also keep a knife in my belt for emergencies. Nashville is almost completely abandoned by all survivers, the past few weeks I have only seen undead, no other survivors. I go down the staircase and peek into the street, my base is in the 3rd tallest skyscraper in Nashville.
There seem to be no undead on the streets, I cross the street runnning as fast as I can back into an alley. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me, I turn around, there's an Undead walking into the alley, he must've seen me when I crossed the street. The Undead notices me and comes running towards me, there is no time to grab my knife. I put my P-90 against my shoulder and shoot the Undead in his heart, making him die instantly. 

As fast as I can I run away from the undead body. I wouldve wanted to kill him with my knife, since that makes no noise and the noise from my gun may have attracted more Undead, or maybe even survivors. I take the back entrance into the skyscraper and walk up the stairs till I'm back at my hide-out. In this hide-out I have a great view on the city and can keep track of whats going on.
Internationale ster

After walking half a mile, Noah starts complaining like h ealways does; “I’m not sure if this was the right choice. How much longer do you think we have to walk? I’m hungry.” I don’t say anything back. He’s a fun guy but sometimes he gets on my nerve. “If we get there and the place is swarmed with Undead, I’m ending myself,” he jokes. He waits for me to laugh and says
“That’s a joke,” when I don’t. We walk further in silence and after another a mile we take a short break. We drink some water and rest for a bit since we've been walking the entire day. "I'm tired," Noah says. 
"It's just half a fucking mile further," is all I say. If I didn't know any better I'd say Noah would be 4 years old, even though he keeps suprising me how great he is in man to man battles and with knives. I sometimes wonder when and how he learned all that stuff, but I don't bother asking.
Just as Noah stands up we hear a gunshot in the distance. Noah immediatly looks at me. "You heard that right? Tell I'm not crazy."
"Yeah," I whisper. That gun could attrack more Undead. But it also means that the person firing the gun, has a gun and therefore ammo. "Ammo hunt?" Is all I ask Noah. Our ammo is low even though we barely use our guns. I keep three guns on me and Noah only one because he's more of a knife-type of guy. 
Noah immediatly gets up with a little too loud 'hell yeah' and we both grab our bags again. We walk a whole lot faster than we did before and are ready for a fight. We don't know if we'd even see the person, since people are great at hide and seek these days, but it's worth it. 
We we're walking into this direction anyway and since killing people is one of Noahs hobbies and we have a high need of ammo, this is a great day. Yes, a day in which we get to kill someone, is in fact, a great day. Like I said before, I didn't expect the end of the world to be like this.

When I make sure the door of my hide-out is closed behind me I start unpacking my bag. I put some water bottles on the table and also some food I found. I always keep some water and food in my bag for if I need to move somewhere else incase of an emergency. 
After a few minutes I decide to sit at my wooden chair close by the window and refill the ammo on my P-90. Shooting my gun at that moment was not my smartest decision, the street is now filled with groups of undead. I make sure my knife and handgun are still in my belt and walk back to the table. I move the water bottles and food aside and open my map of the city. I've been planning a route to get away from Nashville and move towards Atlanta, big cities are my main priority since there is the most food there, which means the biggest chance of survival. I'm still not sure if Atlanta is the best place to go, it may be ever more crowded with Undead than Nashville, and my brother is also still out there somewhere.

I decide to put most ammo, some more waterbottles, my flashlight and some food in my bag. I grab the bag and put it on my back, picking up my P-90 and slowly opening the door peeking into the hallway. No undead seem to have entered the skyscraper or walked up the stairs. It's starting to become dark so I'm moving to a higher level on the skyscraper to make sure that if Undead or people do enter this building I can hide or run away. I've only ever killed Undead, they're not alive anymore anyway, but I don't kill people, I hide or run from them. I haven't met any people since my brother ran away, and to be honest I am better off on my own.

I make my way up the stairs and go in to one of the rooms. This skyscraper used to be a Hotel, it was filled with food, but not anymore. I make sure to close the door behind me and lay my bag and P-90 on the table. I lean back on the bed, It's getting late and I should get some sleep, but sleeping these days has a big risk since I have no one to watch my back.
Internationale ster

When we are almost at the heart of the city we see the entire place swarmed by Undead. They crawl and walk in circles, like the lifeless beings they are. "The person holding that gun is either dead or hiding very well by now," Noah mentions. I know he's right but I don't want to admit it. We really needed that ammo. We were not gonna risk our lives in this pit full of Undead just for the small posibility of finding ammo. Noah looked sad. "I was so ready for that hunt," he says, trying to lighten up my mood. 
I turn around, thinking what we could do best next. My eye catches a pretty big skyscraper thats just a little further than the swarm of Undead. "We could try that one," I whisper to Noah and he turns around as well. He smiles at me and says: "Sure, let's go." 
With a big bow around the swarm of Undead we discreetly run to the big building. The sign above the door tells us this used to be a hotel back in the days. Noah grins greedy, "Guess who's gonna sleep in a real bed tonight?" It has been ages since we have had a proper night of sleep and it almost seems too good to be true. Noah grabs his flashlight out of his bag.
I open the old door and it creaks when it slowly turns open.
"Now that's not completely terrifying," Noah laughs.
. "Ladies first," I tell him and hold the door open for him. 
"Asshole," he whispers after he goes in. 
I quickly follow him after checking if any Undead heard us but we seem fine. 

It's dark inside and I can barely see where I walk. Noah holds the flashlight up and we slowly keep walking through the building. The windows are all covered with pages from newspapers, like people used to do when this whole thing started. We go up a stairs and then another. We check the hallways but they seem clear. It's almost too good to be true. "You want to enter a room?" Noah whispers and points his flashlight to a door of a room. 

Right when we decide to go in, an Undead runs through the hall in our way. I grab of the handguns out of my shoes but I already see Noah ready with his knife. The Undead doesn't make a single sound when Noahs knife enters his heart, so I'm a little dissapointed that Noah felt the need to yell when the Undead ran into him. The body of the Undead falls onto the ground and Noahs spits on it.
"Did you have to yell, you fucking pussy?" I whisper through my teeth. "If more come, they're yours." 

(Also, here's Noah.)
(yes it is ben from neck deep idc)

I sigh as I lay on the bed, I can hear the footsteps of the swarms of undead outside on the street. It's going to be a pain to leave this building in the morning. I lay on my bed and try to rest for a bit, a little bit of sleep can't hurt and this building is for sure the safest in the area. 
Suddenly I hear a sound followed by a loud yell. Instantly I sit up straight on the bed, Undead don't yell, they don't make sounds. As quietly as I can I move from the bed towards my stuff. There is another person in this building, another surviver. I put my bag on my back, I check my belt and also the ammo in my gun, this is about to get serious. I didn't take all food with me from my hide-out and there is also still some ammo there on the table, this is a problem I can't stay in this building now. 

I crouch towards the door, making sure that I make no noise at all. Silently I open the door and peek into the hallway, he is not on the same floor. I need to get down towards my hide-out and get my stuff, but how do I get out of this building? It's completely dark and the streets around it are crowded with Undead, I'm trapped in the hotel with another person. I sneak through the hallway towards the staircase, holding my gun ready to shoot. I walk down the stairs, making sure that I listen carefully and almost make no noise myself. My hide-out is on the 5th floor, that's my goal. As I get to the 5th floor I peek into the hallway, there is no one to be seen. I sneak through the hallway towards the door of my hide-out. While I push the door open I take a quick look into the hallway, my eyes meet that of another person. It's a guy and he is holding a rifle. As fast as I can I sprint in my hide-out and push the door closed behind me. I run to the table and crouch behind it with my gun pointed at the door. I can hear him open the door. ''Go away or I will shoot you,'' I said with a firm voice. This is going to be a problem.
Internationale ster

The chances of more Undead coming our dead is too big for us to stay on this floor. I silently point to the floor above us and Noah nods. I change my handgun to my rifle as we start walking. We walk three more stairs up without another noise and go through the hallway to find a room for us to stay the night in. Then, at the end of the hallway, someone is walking. It takes me a second to figure out wether it is an Undead or another surviver and just as Noah wants to shoot, I hold my hand in front of his gun. It is clearly a person. Now, I don’t have a problem against shooting humans, let that be clear, but ammo is easier to be found when we have the person know where it is. I shake my head. “Ammo,” I mouth without making any noise. He grins.
The person walks to a door, presumably his own room. I quickly walk up to him and see to my big suprise that this ain’t a ‘him’ but a ‘her’. 
Just as I point my rifle at her, she sees me and runs away, through the door. I keep my ground, knowing the only way out of that room is through the door I’m standing in front of. 
“Go away or I will shoot you,” she says firmly, her voice loud out of the room she’s hiding in.
“Just a little louder and the Undead will hear you,” I say back. 
Noah walks into my way with a smile on his face. “Well, well, well,” he says, “You got her trapped.”
I open the door slowly and walk inside. Knowing damn well the girl probably has a gun pointed at me. “We’re gonna do this as I say. If not, this could end up very bad for you.” Noah joins me into the room, kicks a chair and walks around.  “If you voluntarily show yourself, we’ll keep you alive. If you don’t and I find you before you run away, I’ll pull the trigger without a doubt,” I say. 
“I wanted to pull the damned trigger anyway,” Noah mumbles, and kicks another chair, trying to find her.
”I will count to three, so be ready,” I tell the hidden girl.

I see two guys walking into the room, my luck ofcourse. It isn't one guy, but it's a duo. On starts kicking the chairs, they make a loud noise as the fall to the ground and I mentally curse, that's going to attract a lot of Undead.  “If you voluntarily show yourself, we’ll keep you alive. If you don’t and I find you before you run away, I’ll pull the trigger without a doubt,” one of the guy says. 
This is going to be a bigger problem than I thought, I am trapped here for sure, it's either I surrender myself to them, or they shoot me as I run. I can't show them I'm scared, but this is two strong guys against only me. The guy talking seems to have a rifle, so my main focus is on him. I try to look at the other guy, it's all dark, but the knifes in his belt reflect the light of the moon, he doesn't seem to have a gun which is good.

”I will count to three, so be ready,” The guy says. With my left hand I try to grab the extra knife that's on the table. ''One..'' he sais as I see him shift around the room, he is not sure where I'm hiding. ''Two...'' He tells me. I look at both guys, they're quite split up throughout the room now.  In one fast movement I stand up from behind the table and throw the knife I picked up towards the guys without a gun, it lands right in front of him, catching him off-guard as he freezes in his spot. At the same time I point my gun at the other guy. ''Don't shoot, or i'll make sure the second knife does hit him,'' I say, my voice trembling a little bit. ''What do you guys want?'' I ask as I try to keep an eye on both of them.
Internationale ster

"One," I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. I check behind the couch, but she isn't there. I get kind of nervous and start to doubt whether she might have jumped out of the window. She probably didn't seen the fact we're on the fifth or sixth floor -I'm not sure, though-. "Two," I continue. Noah is on the other side of the room and is making a fuck load of noise by kicking all these chairs. I know he likes to hunt people, to scare them, but this is only attracking the Undead and I have other things to worry about now. 

I get caught of guard when I see a fast shift the table and the girl is showing herself. Just as I'm about to say something, she throws a knife to Noah, which he doesn't see coming, too busy with the damned chairs. The knife lands not even an inch in front of his face and he is, to my frustration, clearly caught of guard. I immediatly hold up my rifle to the girl. She's still standing behind the table and I was right about to pull the trigger as she says: "Don't shoot, or I'll make sure the second knife does hit him." Her voices shakes and she seems unsure. I'm wondering if she'd ever kill a person before; she doesn't look too confident. "What do you guys want?" She askes.

"Woah," Noah says under his breath and lets out a short little laugh. "Luck is in our veins today," he jokes, "This girl is both smoking hot and badass." Like I said before, sometimes I'd like him to shut up. I know he's trying to seem cool and unbothered but he's probably pissing his pants. 

 "You put that knife down right now, and we can talk," I hiss. I hold my gun above my head. I won't risk losing Noah by shooting her. "All we wanted was a good night of sleep and some shelter from these Damned Things." It's bullshit and she presumably knows that. All I can do is hope she plays along to buy herself some time, so I can shoot her before things get out of hand.

"Luck is in our veins today, this girl is both smoking hot and badass." The guy with the knifes says, I scoff at him. This guy is trying to act cool while I almost threw a blade in his eye and he knows it. He doesn't seem like he is going to attack me back with the knifes he has, i wouldn't try it if I was him since I am holding a gun. The other guy suddenly grabs my attention, "You put that knife down right now, and we can talk'' He says, his voice is deep and he does sound quite mad, but he is the one hunting me down, he has no reason to be this mad. I am for sure not letting go of my knife, if I go down I am at least taking one of them with me.

He holds his rifle above his head, making the gesture that he doesn't want to shoot me, I don't trust him at all, I don't trust both of them.  "All we wanted was a good night of sleep and some shelter from these Damned Things." He tells me. ''That's bullshit.'' I spit out, ''If you just wanted a good nights sleep you wouldn't have come here, there was no reason for you to go in this room after I told you not to. So stop fucking lying and tell me what you want.'' I look him straight in his eyes, the tension in this room is getting thicker and at this point it's just waiting for who is going to make the next move. 

After a few seconds we hear footsteps coming from the hallway and an Undead runs into the room. This fucking idoit made so much noise that they're coming up the stairs. Before one fo the two guys can react I throw my knife right in the heart of the Undead. ''Close the door you idoits, he made so much noise that they're coming up the stairs.'' I tell them visibly irritated by that guy's childish behaviour not thinking about the Undead. ''Just tell me what you need and leave, I am perfectly fine on my own and don't need you guys to make my life a lot more difficult.'' I say still having my gun pointed at the guy with the rifle. I don't trust them one bit.
Internationale ster

A sigh leaves my dry mouth after she calls my bullshit out. It was worth the try but obviously she didn't buy it. "If you just wanted a good nights sleep you wouldn't have come here, there was no reason for you to go in this room after I told you not to. So stop fucking lying and tell me what you want," she says while she looks straight in my eyes. I kinda like her attitude but then again, I kinda want her dead and leave with her ammo and food. That's why we're here in the first place. 

Noah just stands in the corner, he's literally just standing there. He doesn't seem very amazed by the fact that there is a gun to my head and he isn't helping me much. I'm thinking about what I'd say or do next, but at that moment an Undead runs into the room. Noah grabs his knife, so I don't move, making sure that the girl won't randomly ram a bullet in my skull. But before Noahs knife enters the heart of the Undead, another knife already entered it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't amazed by how fast she is. "Close the door you idoits, he made so much noise that they're coming up the stairs." She's just as irritated with Noah as I am.  ''Just tell me what you need and leave, I am perfectly fine on my own and don't need you guys to make my life a lot more difficult.'' 

Noah walks up to the Undead and pulls his knife out of its heart. He cleans his knife to a sleeve of his jacket. "Guys, I'm hungry. So, if you'd all could lower your gun, please," he says casually and walks over to me, "You too, Big Guy," he says, lowering my gun. I drop the rifle on the table next to the girl, making her jump. Knowing there are two handguns in my shoes and a knife in my belt, I'm fine without my rifle. 

When the guy drops his rifle on the table I lower my gun too. ''The idiot has a point, we can't keep trying to kill each other for ever.'' I say to the other guy. The guy still seems a little tense, he doesn't trust me and he knows that I don't trust him. The other guy looks at me with a small smile, ''My name is Noah, but my nickname seems to be 'the idiot'.'' He says as he leans back against the wall. I give him a small nod in response. ''My name is Emilee, what's this big guy his name?'' I ask him gesturing to the other guy.

Just as Noah was about to sya his name, another Undead storms into the room. ''Oh fuck.''  I curse out loud when I notice that I've thrown both my knives, this is not a very ideal situation. Noah jumps up and stabs the Undead in his heart, killing him instantly. This guy is pretty good with knives, I can't say that I am not impressed. The other guys just stands there with a grin, he looks like he isn't scared for Noah at all. Suddenly five other Undead run into the room, and there is probably more coming. ''Back the fuck up.'' I tell Noah and I jump over the table. My P-90 is better close range and shoot a lot of bullet very fast. I shoot all five of the Undead right in their heart and they fall to the ground. After that I run towards the door, ''Don't you dare run away little girl.'' I hear the big guy say. I slam the door shut and turn around towards him, he is now holding a handgun an pointing it at me, this isn't good.
Internationale ster

She shoots all five of the Undead without a blink but I don't give her a small applause like fucking Noah does. She doesn't seem to notice, -thank the Lord-, and I shoot Noah a warning glance, again. He gets on my fucking nerve sometimes. Emilee, who thought It was smart to reveal her name, takes a sprint to the door and I immediatly grab a handgun from one of my boots. "Don't you dare run away, little girl," I tell her and I hold my gun right in front of her face even though she can't see since she's facing the door. She closes the door, turns around and looks at my gun. She seems a bit scared by my sudden action. Noah sighs in the background, whispering a soft 'here we go again'. 

"If you try to leave, I won't hessitate to pull this damned trigger." I hiss through my teeth. She looks afraid and I can't stop myself from spitting in her face. She looks humiliated and that's exactly what I want; she has to be afraid of me in order for me to be able to trust her. I rotate my handgun a quarter and look her straigh in the eyes. All of a sudden her eyes scream pain. She tried to hide it but it's clearly there and I wonder what causing her the pain. She groans and grabs her leg, and thats when I see Noahs knife burried in her kneecap. 

"You fucking, idiotic son of a bitch!" I scream and walk in his way, forgetting the girl that collaps to the floor. I grab the collar of Noahs jacket and pull his face very close to mine. "Can you even think?" I whisper through my teeth, "How do you want her to show us her ammo? Show us her foodstash, waterstash, gearstash? What if she has a big brother, about to come home right now? Do you ever fucking think?"

"I am tired of your constant doubting when it comes to killing people," Noah laughes, "So I decided to make the choice a little easier for you." His eyes look sociopathic and I am furious. I can't stop myself from punching Noah in his face. I drop him to the floor, where he collapses as I walk over to the girl again. "Where do you keep some bandages?" I ask her while holding pressure on her tigh. 

His handgun is right on my forehead, and I would lie if I said that I am not insanely scared right now. This guy is big, has tattoos all over him and does not seem to care about anything. He rotates his handgun a bit so we both stare into each others eyes. A sharp pain in my knee takes me back to reality, I try to ignore the pain, I can't show this guy that he scares me to death. The pain becomes worse and I bend forward grabbing my knee where the pain is coming from, Noah stabbed me, I knew I couldn't trust him.

I fall to the ground when the guy runs to his partner Noah. I almost can't focus on what they're saying, the sharp pain of the knife is making me feel numb. I know that I should not pull this knife out, it's only going to make the beeling worse. I overhear a few words the guys says: ''foodstash, waterstash, gearstash... do you ever fucking think?'' And after that he punches Noah to the ground. I'm honestly shocked at what's happening, is this them fake fighting to confuse me? If they stil want to kill me they wouldv'e done it already though, well Noah just tried to. The guy walks back to me and crouches down by my size, applying pressure on my tigh to reduce the bleeding. 

"Where do you keep some bandages?" He asks me. ''There is a first aid kit in the cupboard under the kitchen sink.'' I say and try to stand up. I keep myself stable against the walls and slowly make my way to the kitchen where I drop down on one of the chairs. ''Fuck this is going to hurt,'' I say to myself out loud while I grab the knife and pull it out of my kneecap. The bleeding get's worse, I rip a part of my shirt off and tie that around my upper leg to reduce the amount of blood going to that leg. ''Fucking hell.'' I whisper to myself while I drop the bloody knife on the floor, I can hear the guy go through the cupboards. ''Can you be any slower with that first aid kit?'' I groan, if I keep losing a lot of blood I will pass out, and I don't want that to happen. Noah also seems to be back on his feet, I glare at him, warning him that I don't want him to come closer to me.
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