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I look in the mirror at the pink and glittery dress. I try not to show my disgust in front of the dissigner, but I hate it. The dress is everything I am not: Girly, glitterly, happy and young. "Thanks," I say and try to put on a smile. We haven't even started the Games yet, but I already feel like a doll from the Capitol. "Com'on, com'on, make a twist, girl!" The dessigner -who's name I already forgot- tells me. I do as she says. She seems happy with her creation, and maybe it is a nice dress, but it just doesn't fit me. I always thought that the people getting interviewd wore what represented them, but it turns out thats all fake. "Thank you," I tell her again as Denice picks me up to lead me to the set.
We all form a line backstage from who's up next. Since Slater and I are from district two, we have to go second. And as always, ladies first; which means I am one of the very first of the evening. This could work in my favour, since people will remember me best, but it is terrifing.
"Ladies and gentle, give a warm round of applause for Danica!" Cesar Flickermann yells and the entire crowd goes crazy. I walk up the stage, to Cesar. "Oh my, oh my," he says he sees my dress, "What a gorgous little thing!" The crowd applauses loud. "And so are you," he continues his own joke. "Have a seat," he says and we both sit down on the big, round chairs.
"Thank you, Cesar," I tell him proudly. I know everyone is watching me and it makes me want to throw up. "It really is an honor to be here."
"Tell them thanks!" He says, poining to the crowd. "Let me ask you," he starts, "is it true that you are Aiden Williams sister?" The crowd goes mad by the mention of my brother. I had no idea this many knew him.
"It is, Cesar, I am his little sister," I answer and try to put on my best 'little girls smile'.
"Wow wow wow. What did you tell him when you had to say goodbye?" He asks, looking for drama.
I take a second, trying to come up with the best answer possible, but I fail. So I just say: "I told him I'd finish his journey for him, because he couldn't." I wonder why this conversation turned out to be more about my brother than about me.
"And.. If I may ask, how are you going to do that," he asks. The crowd goes silent with him.
I swallow. If I knew how I was gonna win I wouldn't be this insecure. So, I say what everyone else would have said: "His best friend is here with me, that must be in my benefit." I know Slater will hate me for this, I know he will. If he would betray me during the Games now, his sponors would hate him.
But then again, it's each for themselves in the Games.