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ORPG < Virtual Popstar
ORPG - "We all go a little mad sometimes."
Internationale ster


FT. @iresxje

STORYLINE: The more dangerous the job, the higher the payment. Both characters applied for what sounds like a simple job: Spend a week in an empty room, earn $500.000

Me; Bobby, 23 years old.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Sexuele content, psychische marteling, schelden, hoogstwaarschijnlijk de dood

Tyler, 22 years old.
Internationale ster

My entire life is based on impulses. From people I've dated to the schools I went to and the bakery I worked at. In school, my teachers always called me 'Trouble Girl', which I think says it all. The director became one of my closet friends by the end of the five years of not making the homework or getting late. Yes, five years, since I had to do the second year twice. Trouble Girl, remember? So when my dad told us he had stage three skin cancer, I moved back into the house. Wanting to share every day with him. Impluses. He couldn't pay for the expensive treatment and didn't want to bring my mom into dept, so he embraced a possible young death. 

So, when I saw the job offer in the local news paper, I made yet another decision based on nothing but impulses. And besides, what choice did I really have? Half a million dollars would be enough to pay for my dads treatment and buy them a new house. It was an easy choice. Staying in an empty room for one week, what could possibly be so dangerous?

Behind me the door gets closed. I hear it being locked from the outside. The walls are white, the floor is white as well and made from the same sort of soft fabric as the walls are made from. My eyes need a second to get used to the white, bright light. But then I see him. On the other side of the room, there is a door just like the one I just stepped into. A boy, wearing the same white shirt and sweatpants as I am, standing in the room, admiring it. 

The job advert said I'd stay in an empty room. They didn't talk about other people being there, but well.. An extra person isn't exactly what I had in mind when I pictured an empty room. I wonder if his gender has anything to do with 'the job' and a shiver goes down my spine. 

Without thinking I walk up to the guy, holding out my hand for him to shake. "Hello," I say. "I'm Bobby." Impulses.

I've always just hopped from one place to another, I was never in one place for very long. Because of this I also never really got to know anyone very well. I have always been very independent, but I do live with a roommate. He still goes to school and is quite a nice guy, but we just have very different lives. My last job ended quite recently, well it didn't really end, I just decided to leave. I've been looking for a new job and most ones are just very boring. Then I saw an job offer in the news paper, it sounded quite simple: 'Spend a week in an empty room, earn $500.000'. 

Doesn't that just sound like the dream job? They put you in an empty room and you just get half a million. Ofcourse I decided to sign up, I told my roommate I would be gone for a week and he was fine with it. So that's where I am now.

They put me in this white short-sleeved shirt and some white sweatpants. The room is completely white with a bright lamp on the ceiling. They close the door behind me. There is another door straight across from mine. Both doors don't have any windows and are also completely white. They do like the colour white here don't they? While I'm still just checking out my clothes and the room the other door opens. A girl comes walking in, wearing exactly the same white shirt and the same white sweatpants. She has short dark hair, I never liked short hair on girls but honestly she rocks the look. Why would a girl be here? The job advertisement never said anything about there being another person. I look at her a little confused and she seems just as confused to see me standing in the room.

A little moment later she walks towards me with a smile on her face. She introduces herself and holds out her hand. ''I'm Tyler,'' I just answer shortly and shake her hand. I'm still not sure why she is here, but I guess I'll find out in the upcoming week. I look around the room a bit more. ''The doors have a little metal sliding door at the bottom.'' I say as I crouch down by the metal doors and show Bobby it. That's probably how they will give us our food and drinks. The room doesn't even have a chair, like honestly we could stand here for days. I just stare at the lamp a bit and decide to sit down on the floor with my back against the wall. ''How old are you?'' I ask Bobby after a little while, if we're going to be in here together we can at least get to know each other for a bit.
Internationale ster

The guy in the white shirt looks a little younger than me and I wonder what his age is. He tells me his name is Tyler and shakes my hand. ''The doors have a little metal sliding door at the bottom.'' Tyler says and that's when I notice the little cages on the doors. This way they will probably provide us from food and water, although I wonder why they can't just give us those. We have applied for this job ourselves, why would we attack the people working here or try to leave? A shiver goes down my spine by the knowing that the more dangerous a job is, the better it pays. But again, what's go dangerous about an empty room? Maybe I shoudn't trust this Tyler immediatly, I don't know him and something about this job seems to be tricky. Maybe he's a massmurderer, I think to myself, but then the white floors would be a poor choice since that would take hours to clean up. I shake the thought out of my head.

I drop down against the wall, a little further from Tyler and lean back against the wall. I cross my legs and try to look in a distance. The white walls kinda hurt my eyes. "How old are you?" Tyler asks, the same question I had for him. I look at him. "23. Found this little job in a news paper. You work here?" I ask him. He seems like a nice guy and I wonder if he will stay with me the entire week or just for a little while. Maybe he already spent a few days in this room and is almost ready to leave.

I think about my father at home, who didn't want me to do this. He has gotten really sick over the past month and just before I left my mom told me that maybe it'd be better if I'd stay. I left anyway; wanting to do something for them. I hope they found peace with it. 

 "23. Found this little job in a news paper. You work here?" She asks me. She found this job in the news paper too, which means she's in the same boat as me, she doesn't know anything. My thought also gets comfirmed when she asks if I work here, ofcourse I don't. ''I'm 22, and no I don't work here. I found this job in the news paper just like you did.'' I tell her. I wonder why she chose this job, I mean the job sounds amazing. Just this room and half a million dollars as payment. I have a feeling that this room is going to surprise us in the future tho, I mean I'm already not alone in this room, while the advertisement did not say anyhting about there being another person.

Bobby seems really nice so far. She is sitting against the wall just like me and just relaxed. I'm glad she's not like freaking out or anything, that would've been living hell, seriously. I decide to stand up from the wall and check for anything special in this room, there must be something we may have looked over. I mean every wall, the floor and the ceiling is completely white, so if there would be anything special you would see it right? I just start walking around the room a bit. It's not big that's for sure, personal space is not really a thing here. I might seem crazy to here, I'm just walking aorund looking at a wall. ''So this is day one, seven days in here can't be too bad right?'' I say and walk towards the door I came through. I open the little box and there is nothing in it. ''Still empty'' I say and close it again. It seems to be a mechanism that if I open it from this side, the other side can't be opened. 

I sit down again against the wall, seven days of nothing to go and then I can go home. Just seven days, it's not that long. I cross my arms over my chest and lean my head against the wall so I look up to the ceiling. The light shines bright into my eyes, god that lamp is horrible, couldn't they have chosen a light that's a little less bright? I sigh and just stare at the wall again, hoping time will pass by fast.
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