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Muziek en sterren < Virtual Popstar Eerste | Vorige | Pagina: | Volgende | Laatste
BuzzFeed Quiz ♥
Queen of Pop

medusasnakes schreef:
Waarom krijg ik Taylor Swift
omg rude

ik had Miley love her

Flynn RiderYou belong with Flynn Rider! He's a rebellious kind of guy who will make sure every day is an adventure. He's also incredibly heroic, so he'll be there for you even in the toughest of situations. He's charming, romantic, and adventurous!
Youtube ster

Jason from "Friday the 13th"
Princess of Pop

Yvie schreef:
Omg oke ik heb Tarzan, kan ik ook mee leven
oh love tarzan!!
Queen of Queens

You got: SELENA GOMEZYou've been keeping to yourself a bit more recently, which is a totally reasonable thing to do. You've spent your whole life being the center of attention and keeping people happy, so it's more than fair to take some time to do your own thing.
Landelijke ster

Quiz: We Know Which Horror Villain You Would Be Based On Some Random Questions

Michael Myers from "Halloween"
Youtube ster

TarzanTarzan is totally your soulmate! He believes that family and friends are the most important thing, so you can rest assured that he will do anything for you. He's the kind of person you can trust to do the right thing. He's valiant, positive, and kind!
Youtube ster

You got: TAYLOR SWIFTWow. Your life is drama, but you live for it. You've earned a bit of a bad reputation recently, but deep down, you're still the sweetheart you've always been. Don't worry, everyone will come back around eventually.
Youtube ster

Wolve schreef:
You got: TAYLOR SWIFTWow. Your life is drama, but you live for it. You've earned a bit of a bad reputation recently, but deep down, you're still the sweetheart you've always been. Don't worry, everyone will come back around eventually.
wtf if this aint the truth
Queen of Pop

Nuts schreef:
Yvie schreef:
Omg oke ik heb Tarzan, kan ik ook mee leven
oh love tarzan!!
oke laten we ruilen
Queen of Pop

Wolve schreef:
Wolve schreef:
You got: TAYLOR SWIFTWow. Your life is drama, but you live for it. You've earned a bit of a bad reputation recently, but deep down, you're still the sweetheart you've always been. Don't worry, everyone will come back around eventually.
wtf if this aint the truth
oh no
Princess of Pop

Yvie schreef:
Nuts schreef:
Yvie schreef:
Omg oke ik heb Tarzan, kan ik ook mee leven
oh love tarzan!!
oke laten we ruilen
oh ja slim!! lets go. 
Queen of Pop

Nuts schreef:
Yvie schreef:
Nuts schreef:
oh love tarzan!!
oke laten we ruilen
oh ja slim!! lets go. 
ik wil m'n eigen Aladdin 
Landelijke ster

Quiz: Pick Your Favorite Disney Movies And We’ll Reveal Which Disney Prince Is Your Soulmate

AladdinYour soulmate is Aladdin! He's not afraid to take risks or go try new things, which means every day with him will be fun and exciting. When the going gets tough, he gets going. He's mischievous, bold, and resourceful!
Queen of Pop

Aoba schreef:
Quiz: Pick Your Favorite Disney Movies And We’ll Reveal Which Disney Prince Is Your Soulmate

AladdinYour soulmate is Aladdin! He's not afraid to take risks or go try new things, which means every day with him will be fun and exciting. When the going gets tough, he gets going. He's mischievous, bold, and resourceful!
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