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Competities < Virtual Popstar Eerste | Vorige | Pagina: | Volgende | Laatste
VP Total Drama Island VOL
Internationale ster

als iemand mij ooit een minuut lang kietelt word er een moord gepleegd

Huh hoezo mocht ik niet ook nog een doen? Heb niks gefaald toch

BlueDream schreef:
Artyx schreef:
Jij bent wel echt de echte winnaar van dit spel vind ik. 
Mee eens
Internationale ster

medusasnakes schreef:
Huh hoezo mocht ik niet ook nog een doen? Heb niks gefaald toch
Bc nuts won. Idk 
Queen of Pop

medusasnakes schreef:
BlueDream schreef:
Artyx schreef:
Jij bent wel echt de echte winnaar van dit spel vind ik. 
Mee eens
Ik ook

Artyx schreef:
medusasnakes schreef:
Huh hoezo mocht ik niet ook nog een doen? Heb niks gefaald toch
Bc nuts won. Idk 

Grrr ik heb alle torture doorstaan
Internationale ster

The Twist
Okay, so first up, we ran out of marshmallows.

I've reviewed The Votes, and I have to say, there's lots of hate-on in this group, which is awesome. While I normally protect your privacy, in the spirit of airing your dirty laundry, I'm gonna go live with your confessionals!
Queen of Pop

Artyx schreef:
The Twist
Okay, so first up, we ran out of marshmallows.

I've reviewed The Votes, and I have to say, there's lots of hate-on in this group, which is awesome. While I normally protect your privacy, in the spirit of airing your dirty laundry, I'm gonna go live with your confessionals!

Dit wordt heftig
Levende legende

En zitten we al over de helft?
Minister of Pop

Artyx schreef:
No Pain, No Gain

In random order, campers will have to spin the wheel of misfortune to determine what torture they must endure. If a camper backs down on a torture, or is unable to last ten seconds, they are eliminated. If a camper passes their torture, they move to the next round. If a camper can pass their torture without complaining, they can choose the next camper and the torture, but if their victim succeeds, they are eliminated. When only two remain, if the next camper passes their torture, they win the challenge, otherwise the other campers wins. The camper who lasts the longest wins invincibility and a luxurious trailer to take home at the end of the summer.

Tim gets the torture.

Goo Shoes: The camper must wear shoes filled with mystery goo.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Sosjet gets the next torture.

New Age Music: The camper must listen to new age music.

She passes her torture without complaint.

Sosjet chooses Cinderella to do Marshmallow Waxing.

Marshmallow Waxing: The camper must have their face waxed using melted marshmallows.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

HarryStyles gets the next torture.

Tickle Onslaught: The camper must endure one minute of constant tickling.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Nolite gets the next torture.

Spike Bed: The camper must lay down on a bed of spikes.

She passes her torture and moves on.

GreenDayy gets the next torture.

Skunk Jump: The camper must jump over and onto series of skunks and rocks.

She passes her torture and moves on.

Nuts gets the next torture.

Icecream Brain Freeze: The camper must eat a large tub of icecream.

She passes her torture and moves on.

Corona gets the next torture.

Kanga-Roo: The camper must sit in the pouch of a kangaroo.

He fails to complete his torture and is eliminated.

Gemini gets the next torture.

Electric Eel Defibrillator: The camper must be defibrillated with two electric eels.

She passes her torture without complaint.

Gemini chooses Fujoshi to do Got Milk?.

Got Milk?: The camper must attempt to milk an angry bull.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Chubbles gets the next torture.

Turtle Slapshots: The camper must stand in front of a goal while Chef Hatchet slapshots angry, snapping turtles at the camper

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Medusasnakes gets the next torture.

Sasquatchanakwa: The camper must get inside a wooden crate with Sasquatchanakwa.

She passes her torture and moves on.

Sosjet gets the next torture.

Poison Ivy Spa Treatment: The camper must have his or her head wrapped in poison ivy.

She passes her torture and moves on.

Nolite gets the next torture.

Beratement: The camper must listen to Chef berate them.

She passes her torture without complaint.

Nolite chooses Sosjet to do Water Balloon Headshots.

Water Balloon Headshots: The camper must take water balloons to the face.

She completes her torture and eliminates Nolite.

GreenDayy gets the next torture.

Wawanakwa Hair Salon: The camper must get a haircut with a chainsaw.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Nuts gets the next torture.

Wooden Shorts: The camper must wear wooden shorts while a woodpecker pecks away at them.

She passes her torture and moves on.

Gemini gets the next torture.

Ghost Pepper Taste Test: The camper must eat a ghost pepper and chew it.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Medusasnakes gets the next torture.

Nose Hair Pull: The camper must have all their nose hairs pulled at once.

She passes her torture and moves on.

Sosjet gets the next torture.

Voice to Self: The camper must listen to their own voice.

She fails to complete her torture and is eliminated.

Nuts and Medusasnakes are the final two left.

Nuts gets the final torture.

Snake Wrap: The camper must be wrapped tight by a snake.

Nuts passes her torture.

Nuts wins invincibility.
Ik heb alles gelezen ahahahaha

charluweke schreef:
En zitten we al over de helft?
Het is ieder voor zich
Internationale ster

The votes are revealed to everyone.

Chubbles voted for GreenDayy.

Cinderella voted for GreenDayy.

Corona voted for GreenDayy.

Fujoshi voted for Cinderella.

Gemini voted for GreenDayy.

GreenDayy voted for Cinderella.

HarryStyles voted for Cinderella.

Medusasnakes voted for GreenDayy.

Nolite voted for GreenDayy.

Nuts voted for Cinderella.

Sosjet voted for GreenDayy.

Tim voted for GreenDayy.

GreenDayy must walk the Dock of Shame and board the Boat of Losers.
Levende legende

medusasnakes schreef:
charluweke schreef:
En zitten we al over de helft?
Het is ieder voor zich
oh oh
Minister of Pop

Artyx schreef:
The Twist
Okay, so first up, we ran out of marshmallows.

I've reviewed The Votes, and I have to say, there's lots of hate-on in this group, which is awesome. While I normally protect your privacy, in the spirit of airing your dirty laundry, I'm gonna go live with your confessionals!
Hmm, die twist ga ik noteren
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