This is the campfire ceremony. I have 10 marshmallows.
If I call your name, you are safe and can get your marshmallow... If you do not receive a marshmallow, you must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers and leave. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back, ever.

The first marshmallow goes to Tim.

The second marshmallow goes to Nuts.

The third marshmallow goes to Fujoshi.

The fourth marshmallow goes to Sosjet.

The fifth marshmallow goes to Corona.

The sixth marshmallow goes to Nolite.

The seventh marshmallow goes to Gemini.

Chubbles Cinderella HarryStyles Medusasnakes
Chubbles, Cinderella, HarryStyles, and Medusasnakes have not yet received a marshmallow.

The eighth marshmallow goes to Chubbles.

The ninth marshmallow goes to Medusasnakes.

The tenth marshmallow goes to HarryStyles.

Cinderella must walk the Dock of Shame and board the Boat of Losers.