Pretty Cruel Bike RaceCampers must build their own bicycles, then trick them out using arts and crafts supplies. Campers are informed that they will be racing the bikes. In a surprise turn of events, it is revealed that campers will draw names out of a hat which will determine who's bike they will race on. In part one of the race, anyone whose bike crosses the finish line will proceed to the next round. In part two of the race, campers will ride their own bike, if it survived part one. This part of the race includes land mines, an oil slick, and a hazardous pool of piranhas. In another cruel twist, campers are told that while the first racing camper who crosses the finish line wins invincibility, the last racing camper will be automatically eliminated. If a racing camper's bike is destroyed during this part of the race, they are technically not included, and therefore cannot be eliminated.

Medusasnakes selects the bike made by Fujoshi.

Nolite selects the bike made by Nuts.

HarryStyles selects the bike made by Tim.

Nuts selects the bike made by Corona.

Chubbles selects the bike made by HarryStyles.

Tim selects the bike made by Medusasnakes.

Fujoshi selects the bike made by Nolite.

Corona selects the bike made by Sosjet.

Sosjet selects the bike made by Chubbles.
Part one begins.

Chubbles crosses the finish line in the bike made by HarryStyles.

Corona crosses the finish line in the bike made by Sosjet.

Fujoshi crosses the finish line in the bike made by Nolite.

HarryStyles crosses the finish line in the bike made by Tim.

Sosjet crosses the finish line in the bike made by Chubbles.

Medusasnakes crosses the finish line in the bike made by Fujoshi.

Nuts fails to finish in the bike made by Corona.

Nolite fails to finish in the bike made by Nuts.

Tim fails to finish in the bike made by Medusasnakes.

6 compete in the second part.
Part two begins.

Sosjet finishes first.

Nolite finishes second.

Tim finishes third.

Chubbles finishes fourth.

HarryStyles finishes fifth.

1 fails to complete the second part and are safe as a result.

Sosjet wins invincibility.

HarryStyles must walk the Dock of Shame and board the Boat of Losers.