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16 van de 24 sterren behaald.


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BFF placeholder
Landelijke ster

God schreef:
Armageddon schreef:
Vanwaar al de haat?
Bring peace, make love, insult Kaj
Word je onze pooier!!?!?
Hoezo word?
Internationale ster

Stargate schreef:
God schreef:
Wishbone schreef:
You can leave your suggestions with Jess or me and we take it in consideration if updates are planned. Tagging Kaj isn't very effective.
Ik las even jesus ipv jess hahahah 

vraag me af hoeveel procent topics zoals deze echt verbetering willen is vs gewoon ff dramaatje willen maken

Meeste zijn prob drama. Volgende keer moet ze een iets beter onderwerp voor drama kiezen dan.
Indd .. Best wel saai deze
Princess of Pop

Stargate schreef:
God schreef:
Wishbone schreef:
You can leave your suggestions with Jess or me and we take it in consideration if updates are planned. Tagging Kaj isn't very effective.
Ik las even jesus ipv jess hahahah 

vraag me af hoeveel procent topics zoals deze echt verbetering willen is vs gewoon ff dramaatje willen maken

Meeste zijn prob drama. Volgende keer moet ze een iets beter onderwerp voor drama kiezen dan.
De mods zijn spionnen die betaald worden door Kaj....

God schreef:
Stargate schreef:
God schreef:
Ik las even jesus ipv jess hahahah 

vraag me af hoeveel procent topics zoals deze echt verbetering willen is vs gewoon ff dramaatje willen maken

Meeste zijn prob drama. Volgende keer moet ze een iets beter onderwerp voor drama kiezen dan.
De mods zijn spionnen die betaald worden door Kaj....

Kijk, die is beter!
Karaoke ster

Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.
Internationale ster

Brimstone schreef:
Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.
Landelijke ster

Brimstone schreef:
Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.
Het word alleen maar beter oml

Brimstone schreef:
Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.
Oke ga huilen of zo

Brimstone schreef:
Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.

And we very kindly redirect you back to your own server to contact your own admin.

Brimstone schreef:
Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.

Are u okay honey??
Karaoke ster

Where is this UI came from? 2002?
Landelijke ster

Lijkt haast een sekte dit. De leider kan enkel aangesproken worden door zijn trouwste volgers
Internationale ster

Tawaya schreef:
Brimstone schreef:
Khm... because U people never care about any important thing, what could really make a difference. U just live in Your piece of EHM life and now It is visible how poisoned this world is. OH, and, because others can't Freakin' contact this big guy KAI, people have to share things HERE!! People were redirected us here.
Oke ga huilen of zo
Ikr lmao 
Internationale ster

Armageddon schreef:
Lijkt haast een sekte dit. De leider kan enkel aangesproken worden door zijn trouwste volgers
Princess of Pop

Brimstone schreef:
Where is this UI came from? 2002?
Je klinkt als een ongeëmancipeerde holbewoner, probeer je eigen taal misschien ff?
Om te kunnen reageren op forum topics moet je niveau minimaal Internationale ster zijn. Lees hier hoe je meer fans verdient.
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