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15 van de 24 sterren behaald.


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Landelijke ster

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Minister of Pop

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Internationale ster

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person

I'm a mess oeps
Internationale ster

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Internationale ster

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious - beide
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic - beide
Coffee person / Tea person
Levende legende

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy - lol beide
Funny / Serious - beide 
Leader / Follower - wel twijfel hoor haha, misschien zit er toch ergens een leader in mij zegmaar
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Princess of Pop

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Levende legende

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl (tussenin)
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Queen of Queens

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Landelijke ster

DareToBeYou schreef:
Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Dear twin
Internationale ster

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
Princess of Pop

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person

Introvert / Extravert
Early bird / Night owl
Organized / Creatively messy
Funny / Serious
Leader / Follower
Young at heart / Old soul
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Outspoken / Diplomatic
Coffee person / Tea person
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